My IGF 2014 entry Once Upon A Life is finally on Newgrounds, hurrah!
From first starting the design for the game, all the way to it's original release took 8 months. A little of this time was prepping the game for release on our sponsor's site and making some promotional material but there was still a lot of that time spent in development. I'm very proud of this game; I wrote and designed it, and even managed to indulge my passion for making music by making the OST for it as well. Wayne Marsh done a great job programming and design the sound effects. David Dixon is an an immesnely talented voice actor who I scouted through the audio portal.
Check out Once Upon A Life here: and give us all your fives!
JayIsGames Review - "'s impossible not to admire the sheer amount of variety and creativity on display..."
FlashMush Review - " Once Upon A Life is one heck of a journey through Harry's life[...]and is a blast to play."
I have some very exciting and original projects in the works that I'll be revealing soon. Keep up to date here.
Enjoy the game!
fun stuff, i favorited it. good job :)
Thanks , glad you enjoyed it!